Outer Prakaram of Shripada Mandapam

A view of the pilared outer Prakaram (corridor) of the Shripada Mandapamon its north-east.

A view of the pilared outer Prakaram (corridor) of the Shripada Mandapamon its north-east.

Selection of Stones

The Shilpa Shastrs give detailed instructions regarding the selection fo proper stones for the purpose of construction as well as for artistic work. The quality of a stone is ascetained by examining its lines or fibres, colour, grains as also blemishes in the form of any innate colour spots or patches, found in it. The quality is also determined by analysing the sound it emits on being tapped.

The Shastras also classify stones as belonging to 3 categories, the masculine, the feminine and the neuter. They prescribe stones of both female and male varieties for ornamental work as well as for preparing columns, beams, wall-stones and other such members that have to take direct weight on them. Stones of the neuter variety are prescribed generally for foundation work, flooring and for artistic carvings.

In Vivekananda Rock Memorial, all the stones used are either of the male or female category except for the stones used for flooring which are of the neuter variety.