Letter to Shri Panna

Letter to Shri Panna

new dehli

Dear Shri Panna,

Your letter dated 14-10-63 (but posted on 16-10-63) was duly received here on 17-10-63. I waited in vain for your letter on the 15 th and 16 th.

It is unfortunate that while I got Madras letter on the morning of the IIth you could not get the letter till evening. It may be that the letter was waiting for you in the letter-box. Your  letter has not mentioned whether the postal delivery was late or the home clearance was delayed.

It was expected of you that you would at least contact those  to whom I had written letters from here. I have received a  letter from the Honourable Speaker Shri K.S. Basu informing  me that he received my letter of the 12th instant on 14th  afternoon making it impossible for him to take up the matter.  He has also mentioned in his letter ‘None of the members of  the Calcutta office had contacted me on the subject’. I do  not know if you could contact Shri Ashoka Sarkar, Shri  Sunitibabu and Justice Mukherji. Even if a deputation  meeting with Bhaktavatsalam was not found feasible for the  reasons mentioned in your letter, the occasion and my letters  did provide you with an excuse to contact those four  gentlemen. As an organiser and a social worker you must  always remember one maxim, i.e. ‘Opportunities are Duties’.

I am writing this letter to you on the eve of my departure to  Bombay. I am leaving Delhi by tomorrow’s Punjab-Bombay  Mail. After staying there for a week I intend to leave for  Calcutta. It depends upon my work at Bombay. In the middle  of November I shall have to come back to Delhi again.

You have not yet reported to me about Mrs. Justice  Mukherji’s impressions of her visit to Nagpur and her  participation in our Vijaya Dashami function there. You have  also not written to me about Dr. Sujit Dhar. I hope Shri  Debajyoti Parman has returned from his Nagpur journey with  more vigour and enthusiasm.

I am giving below my Bombay Address. Convey my Saprema  Namaskaras to Shri Vasantji Bhat, Shri Amalda, Yalida,  Keshabji, Sujit, Ajit, Sarat, Bhola, Bipul, Poorna and others.  I hope all the three secretaries – Shri Kalida, Shyamaprasad  and Sarojbabu-are in touch with 76. and are applying their mind to the subject.

Nothing more at present. More when I receive your letter at  Bombay.


Eknath Ranade