Letter to Shri Panna

Letter to Shri Panna

Dear Shri Panna,

You must have received Madras letter in time.  I presume you must have made all arrangements preliminary to the delegation scheduled to wait upon the Madras Chief Minister.

From this end I have tried to help you in a small measure by writing personal letters to Shri Sunitibabu, Shri K.C. Basu, Shri Ashoka Sarkar and Hon’ble Justice P.B.Mukherji.

Mind, this is a great opportunity.  Exert yourself and solicit help from all your co-workers.  Dr. Sujit Dhar would be able to do much if he is there.

As there was no time at my disposal yesterday I wrote letters to Shri Sunitibabu and Shri K.C. Basu today.  We had to post the letters at Palam late in the night yesterday.

I expected some communication from you regarding the arrangements you have been contemplating for meeting Shri Bhaktavatsalam in deputation on 14th October morning when he returns from Bhubaneshwar.

I am looking to Calcutta with expectant eyes.  I shall expect your letter by 15th morning.

Yours sincerely
Eknath Ranade

Note: I am enclosing copies of letters I have written to Shri K.C. Basu and Shri Sunitibabu Chatterji.

You must have received my yesterday’s letter with enclosures.