Letter to Shri R TrumalaiI.

Letter to Shri R TrumalaiI.


No. OS/1373                                    1-2-1967
                                        Camp: Kanyakumari.
Shri R. Tirumalai, IAS,
Secretary to Government, Madras State,
Fort St. George, Madras – 9.
Sub:    Electricity – Vivekananda Rock Memorial – Illumination of Mandapam.
    Received your kind communication No. L.N. 12071/13/66-1, dated 23-12-1966.
    We welcome the Government suggestion to carry power to the Rock by laying under water cables in the sea bed, instead of by means of overhead lines.
    The Committee will also like to have telephone facilities on the Rock.  Similar under -sea cable arrangements, therefore, will have to be provided for that purpose also.
    The Committee will not mind bearing the cost for laying such cable lines, regarding which estimate was received some time back from the State Electricity Board.
    We request the Government to move the Electricity Board for doing the needful in the matter, expeditiously.
    I very much desire to meet you in person to discuss in details various matters pertaining to the memorial.  I shall seek an opportunity to do so during my ensuing visit to Madras, most probably in the middle of February.
    With respects,
    Yours sincerely        
Eknath Ranade            Organising Secretary.