Letter to Shri S.K. Achary

Letter to Shri S.K. Achary


Dear Shri S.K. Achary,

Received your letter dated 14.9.’64 and noted the contents. We were anxiously waiting for the detailed estimate of expenditure for the entire construction on the Rock from you. It is gratifying to learn that you are now free from all pressing engagements that kept you busy all these days. I hope that before you leave for Kanyakumari to attend the ‘Unveiling of the Vivekananda statue’ function you will be able to dispatch here the estimate, together with, if possible, your suggestions and recommendations regarding the execution of the work and the preliminary preparations for the same.

Shri Venkataraman has been at Kanyakumari since the 14th of September. He will stay there for some time more. I am writing to him today to stay there till your visit to the Cape. You may utilise this visit to Kanyakumari to study in detail the work of laying out the proposed pathway on the Rock so that you may be able to prepare the necessary drawing which the Government may demand from the Committee before according sanction to the same.

Just as last time we had a trip to My lady to procure a sample of the stone obtained there it is better if some more quarries in the vicinity are visited so that we may be able to select the proper variety for our work.

Though the Chief Minister in his informal talk has approved the plan, the formal written sanction from the State Government has not reached our office as yet. I am trying to contact the concerned officers and get the Government sanction expedited. However, it is hoped that the necessary permission may be obtained before long.

After ascertaining the position regarding the possibility of getting the expected sanction soon I may myself reach Kanyakumari on the 20th. But, at the moment, it is not certain.

The most important thing before us now is to form a proper estimate of the plan. The press-announcement to be made after the grant of permission by the Government should also include the estimated expenditure on the project. That will also help us in organising drive for collection of funds.

I hope this finds you and your family in sound health and good spirits.

Eknath Ranade