Tale of the Vivekananda Rock Memorial Kanyakumari

Prime Minister's Visit To The Rock Memorial

"It is a moving experience to come to Kanyakumari and see how the faith of thousands in Swami Vivekananda's Message has made possible this memorial. May itinspire all who visit it and give them the courage to live up to Swamiji's great and timelsss teachins. The second phase of the programme for establishment of a Lay Order is no less important and will give practical shape to Swamiji's Message of Service." - Smt. Indira Gandhi

Prime Minister's Visit To The Rock Memorial

Swami Ranganathanandaji elaborated this single theme in his thought-provoking speech of 20 minutes and, in the end, he exhorted the audience in the following words :

"Give up this static piety. Develop dynamic spirituality. Express yourself in a spirit of service for the common people. Therein is true spirituality. That was the message of Lord Krishna in the Bhagwat Geeta. It was this message which was strengthened by Swami Vivekananda."

Prime Minister's Visit To The Rock Memorial

The Prime Minister spent about 20 minutes in the Exhibition, evincing keen interest in many of the exhibits.

Shrimati Indira Gandhi then moved to the adjacent spacious pendal where she was to adddress a meeting organised by the Committee in her honour. The meeting was presided over by Shrimat Swami Ranganathananda referred to Kanyakumari as the new symbol of India. "The Himalayas" he said "have been the symbol of India during all these centuries and the Himalayas represent the spirit of meditation, the spirit of inwardness."

Function On The Shore

Finally Rashtrapati Sri V. V. Giri delivered his Inaugural Address as follows :

"Swami Vivekananda's contribution was not only limited to a religious revival or a cultural renaissance in our country, but more in bringing about a salutary change in the attitude and the approch of the people. His approch to problems was not based on any dogma or superstition but firmly rested on a rational outlook."

Function On The Shore

Shri M. Karunanidhi, Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu added in his Presidential Address :
"The name 'Vivekananda' means one who can distinguish the right from the wrong. He was a noble sage who had universal vision, which ennobled every one who came in contact with him or with his teachings."

"Though he is not with us today, the flame he lit, is still alight and from his teachings have sprung the conscience of India and faith in her unity. And in his great message, Mankind finds Solance and Confidence."

Function On The Shore

Next came a report by the Organising Secretary, Shri Eknath Ranade. He stated :
"The Shikharams or the domes of the Vivekananda Mandapam that you see today, we used to see when the Rock was bare and was devoid of any structure on it. Those very fancies have today taken a concrete shape-rather a granite shape."
