
A view of the masonry work of the rear portion fo the Sabha Mandapam in progress.

A view of the masonry work of the rear portion fo the Sabha Mandapam in progress.

The entire masonry work of the memorial-structure which, ultimately, rose up to over 65 feet in height (the topmost of the Central shikharam) from teh bease of teh memorial-edifice, was executed by resorting to only traditional methods and without using a crane or any other type of sophisticated machinery.

By raising solid platforms fo rubble masonry, adjacent and parallel to the risng masonry of the granite walls of the memorial, and by erecting a massive framework of scaffolding from stups of Palmyra and poles of Casuarina trees, the masonry operaions, involving very caryful handling of big slabs and heavy beams with ornamental designs carved on them, were conducted quite successfully.

For erecting these scaffoldings, stumps of about 900 Palmyra trees andpoles of about 2000 Casuarina trees, besides a considerable quantity of timber-planks and coir ropes were used.