Traditional Method of Hand - Polishing

Cylindrical surfaces of dressed pillars being polished by hand.

Cylindrical surfaces of dressed pillars being polished by hand.

The polishing of a stone-column or a beam or any other member of the contemplated stone-struccture is take up only after the completion of its dressing.
The polishing is effected only by hard and continous rubbing of steel-poweragainst the surfaces or portiions to be polished, and not by applying any colouring material at any stage. A tempered steel is crushed into sand-like particles and the portions to be polished are rubbed with that power mixed with water.
In all, five grades of increasingly finer steel-powders are used, one after another, in stages, to ensure high quality of the polish. The instrument used for rubbing is, generally, a flat and smooth steel rod.
Finally, a fine granite-dust and shell-lac is spread over the surface and the rubbing done again as previously, but by means of a highly smooth and polishsed steel-rod. The rubbing is continued till the desired mirror-like shine is effected.