Tale of the Vivekananda Rock Memorial Kanyakumari

Sweet Water-Supply

For construction purpose, it was necessary to arrange for sweet water-supply on the Rock. With that end in view, two pucca reservoirs of total 1,40,000-gallon capacity, one each on either flank of the memorial-site on the Rock, at its lower elevations, were constructed to catch and store rainwater that might be aviled of from the two monsson seasons of the year at Kanyakumari. These two reservoirs, replenishsed from time t o time by periodical rains, provided a reliable source for obtaining a regular supply of sweet water necessary for construction work on the Rock.

Tele-Communication Arrangements

To establish effective communication between the Rock and the Shore, teh Committee decided to make arrangements by wirelss. Accordingly the necessary licence was obtained.

These arrangements were considered most essential for supervising and regulating transport operations during construction period as also thereafter.

Vessels and Pontoons

To transport building material and to carry a large number of skilled and unskilled workmen every day to the Rock, the Committee procured a tug-boat, pontoons, motor barges and ferry boats from Cochin, Bombay and other ports.

Jetty Platforms

Still another essential preliminary work to be executed urgently was the erection of jetty-platforms, one on the shore and the other at the foot of the Rock to facilitate ferrying of workmen as well as transportation of building material to the Rock.
In this vital work, the Committee was greatly helped by the State goverment of Tamil Nadu through the State P.W.D.

Traditional Method of Hand - Polishing

The polishing of a stone-column or a beam or any other member of the contemplated stone-struccture is take up only after the completion of its dressing.
The polishing is effected only by hard and continous rubbing of steel-poweragainst the surfaces or portiions to be polished, and not by applying any colouring material at any stage. A tempered steel is crushed into sand-like particles and the portions to be polished are rubbed with that power mixed with water.
